Thursday, July 28, 2005

And now for something a bit more cheerful:

Sorry for the depressing nature of my last couple of posts. I've been in kind of a funk this week. I think it was a case of I-don't-want-to-work-tinitis. That whole vacation thing, spending a week doing the thing I'd love to spend my life doing (and I don't mean sleeping, though that would also be tempting ; ) spoiled me and the return to work jerked me back to reality where people have to work jobs that they don't like in order to pay the bills.
Right now, I am taking a break from an incredibly sad attempt at drawing a lion. After I sketched out an idea for my next tattoo, my roommate asked me to draw something for her to add to a tattoo she already has, which is the symbol for her astrological sign. She wants to add to it with a sun theme, but doesn't know SPECIFICALLY what she wants--she wants me to come up with that concept, see what I get. She is a "Leo" in terms of astrology (which she isn't really into, so the whole thing doesn't really make sense) so I am attempting to draw a lion which would incorporate the symbol. After that, I was going to attempt to have the lion's mane going outward and turn into flames around its head, like the sun. My attempts at drawing this are really rather comical. I'm not saying this in a "woe is me, I cannot draw sort of way" because I really don't care that I can't draw and I'm VERY entertained by what I have come up with. I'm not bad, but a realistic lion is far beyond my skill level. But I WILL persevere. Even if the lion doesn't look perfect, at least the idea will be clear. Perhaps when I have access to a scanner, I will post a picture so that you might be entertained, too. I wouldn't want to keep all of the giggling to myself...
And that is the end of this post that has no deeper meaning, no distraught questions or longings, just my rambling about how utterly entertaining things are when I attempt to draw.


  1. where are you thinking of putting your new tatt?

  2. I'm not sure yet. I have one on my upper back/right shoulderish area, and my other one is on my left lower back about waistline level. I haven't decided yet where I want to put my next one...

  3. Right... You have some serious issues, b. You are far more capable of drawing a liger than I am...
