Sunday, July 24, 2005

A goal almost reached

Page count: 44
Word count: 20799

Taking a short break from writing to make this post. My creative juices are not functioning terribly well right now. I'm feeling somewhat stifled by the fact that I have to go back to work tomorrow. I keep worrying about what sort of mess it's going to be when I get there, and it's kind of bringing me down on my writing high. But I'm pressing on. I will not let the Evil K keep me from accomplishing my goal of 50 pages. I have let that place control my life for two long. The most important thing in my life right now, aside from God of course, is my writing, and I cannot let the Evil K pull me away from it again. Please be praying that I would have the discipline to keep writing after I go back to work, even on crappy days. God has gifted me with a passion for writing, and I do not want to continue to squander it as I was doing before. It is my dream to be a writer, but in order for that to be possible, I need to write.

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