Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Growing more restless by the day

I only have a little over a month before I move into my friend's house... I will be living with 2 people from work when the entire situation is finalized. I will still be living with people who are not Christians, however, people who live like they are or could be. In addition, we have VERY similar interests. We all write, and have interests in artistic things. I wish that the time would go by faster, but I know that I need to be patient. It's not that I don't like my roommates now (my brother and his girlfriend) but it's like living with a married couple. My brother has gotten kinder and more considerate, and even more friendly since I decided that I was moving out, but his girlfriend, who I used to get along with really well, has started completely shutting me out. She makes plans as though I've already moved out and she seems to just pretty much ignore my existence all together. I'm sure it's nothing personal, she's just so ready to be married that there's not room for another person there. I don't mean to make it sound like I love her any less than I did before, because I don't. I just need to move on, and I've been ready for a while, but the lease doesn't end until the end of August and I JUST WANT TO MOVE. Okay, no particular reason for all of this information except that I need to express this.

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