Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Lots of things going on in my family and in the families of people I know and care about. Many of these things are not so happy, hence the title of my post. Here's some of the things that make me feel really selfish for complaining about the things I do, and realize that I am INCREDIBLY fortunate.

-My younger half-sister was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She is a single mother of three children, and has not told them yet. She wants to wait until she finds out how far along it is and what treatment the doctors are going to pursue.
-My older half-sister is moving to Georgia because her fiancee is struggling with a custody battle with his son. He was granted custody of his son in his divorce, but his ex-wife took him to court to keep him from being able to bring his son to Reno. In a court that favors mother's rights, he was told that if he wanted to keep custody, he would have to stay in Georgia so that his ex-wife could have easy access to her son for visitation. It makes me sad for the kid to have to be involved in such a battle.
-My great-grandmother turned 100 this year--she no longer knows who any of us are, she can't hear, can't see well, but she's still breathing and eating on her own.
-I have a friend whose father has been fighting lung cancer for over 2 years. Her mother is also unwell and not expected to live much longer. Her father was recently put into hospice care, and as of this weekend, the doctors are only giving him about 2 more weeks.

Please be praying with me on these situations.

1 comment:

  1. We will certainly pray.

    I really identified with elements of your posting as my Mom is currently fighting breast cancer. One quirky twist is that she claims God told her she is healed and so she is not getting treatment. The whole family is in an uproar as that has really challenged our faith. Do we believe that God will do that? We know He "can", but "will He?" Did she really hear that or is she some sort of Charismatic Nut Bar? The debate continues while in the meantime Mom sure seems at peace with her decision. Her mom (my grandmother) died of Alzheimer's when she was 94.

    Anyway, not trying to do a comparison thing, but just trying to let you know I (and many others) understand how you feel.
