Wednesday, July 13, 2005

This is an old one, a little bit more refined...

This was originally a letter to my only two boyfriends (almost 7 years ago) who tried to take from me what I would not give. I'll just leave the explanation at that.


I have been chosen by hand by the
one who made me. Like a perfectly
ripened plum, I have been set aside.

You will never know the flavor
of my plump and juicy
strawberry lips. You will not know
the scent of my golden honey hair.
I shall remain pure as the rainwater--
clean and untouched
by your stumbling hands, while my
sins are wiped away by His perfect love.

He has gently caressed
my bruises and scars that were left
when your impatient branches
tried to penetrate my
skin. But you could not succeed
because He has selected me
as one whose sweetness
will never be known, whose apricot
flesh will never be tasted.


  1. i'm sorry that the relationships went down that road where the pressure was even put on you to compromise. you won't regret your choice to be set apart to God, jeni.

  2. great poem. i hope more girls (mine included) can write something similar some day

  3. I'm sorry they went that way, but I don't regret it, because if I'd never been put in the situation to have to make that choice, I wouldn't be so sure that I'm strong enough to keep making it now.

    Glad you liked the poem, Brent.

  4. Of course I remember them. Remember when you requested that I write a poem about a hamster, and so I did?
    No this is not one of the poems I wouldn't let you read. This one was written after we didn't hang out so much anymore, and you should know why I didn't let you read the ones I didn't let you read. If you wanted to read them now I'd be okay with it...
