Saturday, August 13, 2005

And now for an important message from:

Okay, so it's probably not really important, but I figured I may as well update, seeing as how I'm requesting others to do the same. So, here's the scoop. Lots of stuff going on. I am supposed to be packing right now, and I feel like I'm accomplishing nothing (Yes, I know, it's very difficult to pack and type at the same time.) I am very excited about the move, though and it seems so close now. Three months ago, I thought I'd never make it. Now I feel like I will never finish packing, seeing how all I've packed so far is two boxes of books.
In other news, my manager at work asked me if I intend to apply for the soon to be open assistant manager of production position. It is both tempting and intimidating. I have been praying for help in the financial department, and should I get the position, it would mean an extra 4,000 dollars a year, which would definitely help pay off those pesky credit cards. But it is a swing shift position. I hate getting up at 5:30 am, but I like having EVERY evening free to do what I wish. But I really write, and function in general, better at night. While I was on vacation, I stayed up until about 2am and woke up at 10 in the morning. That is my ideal sleep schedule. But my family and friends mostly work during the day, so I'd really have to fit them ALL in on my days off. But my days off would be Friday and Saturday, which would be VERY good days off. Ugh, such a dilemma: what to do, what to do. I suppose if I apply for it, if God really doesn't want me there, I won't get it. We'll see.
Today I am going golfing. Please use this thought as a great piece of entertainment value. Need a laugh? Just think about me golfing. And don't forget to have a great day!

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