Monday, September 19, 2005

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day

Every year for my birthday, I get e-mails from friends reminding me that my birthday is also a very important holiday: Talk Like a Pirate Day. In honor of this great holiday, I am posting a link so that everyone can enjoy Talk Like a Pirate Day with me.

1 comment:

  1. arg, matey!

    Did you hear the one about the two pirates?

    Pirate 1: "Arg matey, I noticed ye had a peg for a leg. What be happenin' to ye leg?

    Pirate 2: "Arg, I be swimmin' in the seven seas, and a vicious shark bit off me leg."

    P1: "Arg. Say matey, I noticed ye gotta nasty lookin' hook instead of a hand. What happened to ye hand?"

    P2: "Arg, I got in a sword fight with a land lubber and he cut off me hand. Now all I have is this vicious hook. Arg."

    P1: "Arg. Matey, I just have to ask ye one more question. I noticed ye have a patch over ye one eye. What happened to ye eye?"

    P2: "Arg, matey, I was spyin' up in the crow's nest and a bird flew over me head. When I looked up, the bird pooped in me eye!"

    P1: "Pooped in ye eye? How did that make ye go blind?"

    P2: "Arg. It was the first day I had me hook!"
