Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Why I am defective:

I could just blame it on the cold of doom that has been lingering all week. But it's so much more fun to write a poem about why one's brain may be broken. Enjoy.
Please don't take it too seriously!

Disclaimer: This poem is incredibly sappy and sentimental.


The words coming out of my mouth
my heart, just don’t seem to make sense anymore.
I once could write my feelings so well
that even one with different feelings would feel the same
but right now everything is confused.
The connection between my fingers and my brain
has been disconnected, torn out by some careless tenant
in the region of my heart--tearing out
whatever hopes and dreams got in the way, removing
all of his loose ends, taking away the pieces of life
he’d deposited in me and leaving me alone
with severed cords dangling around me,
eerie reminders of what has been taken away--
not just him, but the very last drop of hope
that someone might love me someday.


  1. very nice Jeni...i'm curious, do you write your poetry out by hand? i find it hard to connect heart to fingers with a keyboard.

  2. Yes, I usually write it out by hand... But, sometimes I just need to get stuff out and if I'm already at the keyboard, it work out just fine... But you are right, most of the time a keyboard is to impersonal.

  3. i've felt "unlovable" for most of my life- up until recently. i feel your struggle.

    re: poetry & keyboards- i often lose the emotion on the time it takes to hand-write something. typing allows for me to concentrate on what i'm feeling or trying to express & not on the time it takes to write. whatever works for ya.
