Monday, November 14, 2005

The Upside of the Evil K

Today I received a box from my friend Meg who live in Iowa. It contained six books that she had borrowed from me about a year and a half ago and a rather large quantity of candy. The candy was packaged in a bag along with some other "FedEx Peak Shipping Season" supplies such as Duck Tape (Yes, it is DUCK tape because that's the brand of duct tape), Band-Aids, Kleenex, Sharpies, and Chapstick. I had expected to never see my books again, so imagine my surprise when I received an e-mail saying that they were on their way back and THEN receiving a package with not only my books, but a thoughtful gift from a friend who understands just how stressful the Evil K can be. After all, she works in a store in Iowa. At one time we worked in the same store, doing the same job on different shifts.

Meg is just one of the MANY incredible friends I've met through the Evil K. I know that sometimes I make the Evil K sound like an incredibly dreadful place, but when it comes right down to it, it could be worse... I could be working at Walmart where making friends at work could cost you your job because of what's called "Time Theft." But I'll save that for another post. Perhaps tomorrow night after I see the Walmart movie. At any rate, the friends that I've made during the 4+ years I've been with Evil K are well worth some of the more negative aspects of the job. There is Meg who moved to Iowa; Rachel, whose wedding I just recently attended; Theresa and Trish who are now my roommates; Rue who is just Rue... And I'm certain that there will be more as time goes on.

This weekend at the Unnamed Writer's Group meeting that I went to, this author was speaking about perspective. It is very difficult to write when we are looking at it as something that we (writers) have to do... Instead, we should look at it as something that we GET to do, because after all, we do enjoy it once we're doing it. The same thing applies to work. When work is getting to me, I should think, I get to go to work today--because even when things are stressful, I am still in the company of friends. I get to spend time with friends every day because I work with them. How many people can say that and truly mean it? I am blessed in my job, even when it seems like it is awful. I need to remind myself more often to find joy in the good things that I have.

Thanks to Meg for reminding me of one of these good things!


  1. What kind of candy did you get?

  2. i get to work with my friends too. good thoughts jeni.
