Sunday, December 25, 2005

A prayer for sleep

It has been just over two weeks since the last time I slept soundly through the night. I have been having a hard time falling a sleep and once I get there I am having dreams I don't want to have and waking up before it is time. I am beginning to feel run down, exhausted, irritable. Really small and insignificant things have been getting on my nerves because of my inability to control where my unconscious mind wanders... And because of this, I am also struggling with protecting my concious mind from such thoughts.

I pray that as I go to bed tonight that my mind will be free from these distractions--that I would be able rest in God and not have my thoughts wandering elsewhere while I sleep. I pray that I would have the strength to stay away tomorrow and the next day and for as long as it takes. I pray that God will soon begin to reveal his plans in this and that I will be accepting of them. Jesus, please be my strength, my courage, my grace, my love. I know I don't ask nearly enough.


  1. I will pray for you on this as well.
    Heavenly father I pray that you would bless this woman with rest and that she would feel the healing power of your love. For I ask it in Jesus name.

    God Bless

  2. I searched the blogs for prayer and found you.
    Have a good nights sleep.

    God Bless

  3. It's been 2 'bout an update? ...people care about you you know...
