Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Things

I find that when I'm in somewhat of a transitional point in my life, I have a tendency to make drastic changes to mark the time when a new period is starting. I got my hair cut today, and I'm still debating whether or not I want to color it. My room is almost finished, hopefully as of Saturday it will be a wonderful place for me to write. That is the plan. The corkboard over my desk will be the perfect place to tack up outlines for every chapter of my novel. It is a new year and I am ready to start living and stop moping. God's will for me will never be done if I just sit around waiting for something to happen. My dreams will never come true if I don't start moving in that direction. I want to be working toward what God has for me even while I'm waiting for that to be fulfilled.
Just so that anyone who feels so motivated can give me a swift kick in the butt should I break any of these promises to myself, here are my goals for 2006:
1. Write more--remember anything is more than never! At least a chapter a month would be ideal.
2. Meet with God more consistently, and enjoy it--I'm usually good at making the time, I just let it become an obligation sometimes, rather than a pleasure.
3. Stop eating so much crap--I have definitely cut back, but when I get down, I still have a really hard time with eating good foods.
4. Start running--forget about the fact that it's hard and it hurts, I can overcome that.
5. Start practicing Christmas Everyday--maybe it will catch on.
6. Stop being so darn stubborn and actually ask for help once in a while.

Okay, I think that's all for now. I do really hope that people ask/bug me about these things because I really do want to follow through.


  1. i'll be praying. i've found that the things that are really hard to do- sometimes they're so hard, because i've had unresolved "garbage" in other areas. you know what i mean?

  2. How short did you cut it?

  3. You'll see... *he he he he he he he*

  4. i realize what you are getting at, but the goal of "stop eating so much crap" brought a giggle to my day. it begs the question of how much crap . . .

    anyway, good luck with these choices. they are all very good and i cheer you on and pray for you all at once.

  5. Just don't bite off more than you can chew, eh? :-)

  6. Thanks, Brent... That wonderful thought brought a bit of a giggle to my evening also... It reminded me a bit of Happy Gilmore "I eat pieces of sh** like you for breakfast!" "You eat pieces of sh** for breakfast?"

  7. ...i forgot to tell you this morning...but, I really like your haircut! It's perfect for running.

  8. 7 days w/out a post from JenJen makes one weak.
