Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Little Poll

So today I watched the Superbowl, even though I wasn't going to... Well, okay--I didn't really watch most of it terribly closely--I was too busy talking to my roommate and laughing at my neighbors. You see, my neighbors are a group of college guys, possibly frat boys, who like to party and play beer pong. Well, they decided that they would have a Superbowl party ON THEIR FRONT LAWN. Yes, the TV was also on the front lawn. But, wait! That's not all. They drove somewhere with their truck and loaded the bed with snow, which they shovelled into piles in their front yard. Based on the amount of snow in the yard, and the amount of time that my roommate told me that they were working on this project, I'm guessing they took several trips to get the snow. Just a little weird, but whatever. It was probably among the most entertaining parts of the Superbowl! There were also some disturbing moments. And this is where the poll comes in.

What was the most disturbing moment of Superbowl XL?

1. The touchdown that shouldn't have been.

2. The commercial for Burger King with the women dressed up as different burger components all diving onto a giant bun in a stack.

3. The halftime performance by the Rolling Stones.

What was your favorite commercial during Superbowl XL?

1. The Diet Pepsi commercial where "Diet Coke" stood in as a stunt double.

2. The FedEx commercial with the pteradactyl that didn't make the delivery.

3. The Sprint commercial with the cell phone with "crime deterrent" as a special feature.

Feel free to add your own nominees for the most disturbing moment of the Superbowl or favorite commercials.

As for my own votes, I found all three of those disturbing moments EQUALLY disturbing, and my favorite commercial was the Sprint commercial.


  1. The phantom TD & also the take-away TD (PI for what? Its the Super Bowl. Where's Ed Hochuli when you need him on the field? Should a ref/back judge ever do their FIRST Super Bowl?"

    Crime deterrent was the the favorite commercial, though they were notoriously weak this year. Maybe the adverstising public is deciding that $2.5 million is too much for 30 seconds of ad space

  2. Jeni, I'd love to participate in your poll, but alas, I didn't watch the Superbowl, the commercials, or the half-time show. I did hear from Dennis who won, though, but I'm trying to remember now who he said it was. Was it the Steelers? Did they play in the Superbowl?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Discovering Jadon playing outside in the cold with no jacket, no shoes, and soaking wet socks.

  5. me & kayla cuddling while watching & she says, "since when does a player's helmet make a touchdown?"

  6. the rolling stones were most disturbing. they just looked old & tired and i'm not sure mick knew many of the words.

  7. touchdown most disturbing - with the BK commercial second!! Sprint commercial was the best!! I also liked the magic fridge! did you see that one?

  8. Magic fridge was such an Indian Jones rip off - lame. Still though, the payoff where the guys next door drank all his beer was good!

    I liked the crime deterrent cell phone from Sprint the best...and coming in second was the Neanderthol kicking the Galymimus and getting squashed by the Brontosaur :) What can I say...I loved dino's when I was a kid...

  9. addition to last comment...

    both disturbing and funny - the dancing/streeking sheep commecial for Bud...good stuff!

  10. ok whiners. the td was a td. the ball broke the plane. easy. quit being haters

    the pass interference was weak, but legitimate. you fully extend your arm against a db and you will get called for it. it happened all season, why let it go during the biggest game of the year?

    i vote for the most disturbing moment being all the momentum the "bad calls" train has gained. not that there weren't, but the fact that most people pick on the 2 above which i (and not only i, if you are interested) feel are perfectly legitimate.

  11. ...I thought Mick Jagger's comment regarding Satisfaction was the highlight for me..."Now here's a song we could have sung at SuperBowl One." took a minute to sink in...
