Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Neon Pink Mood

When I am in a neon pink mood
I strap on my favorite high heels
and dance all night, finally stumbling home
sometime between dawn and dew.
When I am in a neon pink mood
I call up the girls for a night in--
we eat chocolate covered strawberries
and sip champagne from coffee mugs.
When I am in a neon pink mood
I turn on some country and I sing
and I two-step my way around the clothes
that litter my bedroom floor.
When I am in a neon pink mood
I do only the things that bring joy
and leave the sadness and tears
for a mood that is more like mauve

1 comment:

  1. That's very good, Jeni. I still have a hard time imagining myself in a neon-pink mood! :)
