Friday, March 10, 2006

Disbanding and Regrouping

Howdy, ya'll!
Yes, I said ya'll! Got a problem with it... I'm feeling a bit giddy as I prepare for day one of the weekend. This week has been a bit trying and I'm ready to move on to a new one. I'm also ready to move on to the new and hopefully improved format of my small group. For those of you who don't know, my small group basically disbanded on Wednesday night. I'll spare you the details, but for a couple of hours I felt really down about it and felt like a failure, despite the fact that I KNOW otherwise. I would only have been a failure if I had not listened to God's prompting and given this a try. At any rate, I was kind of bummed, and I moped for a bit, then went to bed.
When I woke up the next morning, I felt renewed, excited about the new direction that I think God is taking this group. I checked my e-mail and found responses to my e-mails regarding the situation and was actually joyous to think that this new thing might work out even better than the old.
So here it is: My small group, as it was previously known, no longer exists. However, my small group is now being conducted in a blog format so that anyone who wants to participate can do so on their own schedule. This means that all of you who wanted to participate, but couldn't make it to a Wednesday night meeting, you can now participate in your own time, when it's convenient for you. So, if you'd like to participate, even sporadically, send me an e-mail at, and I will add you to the members' list for the Cross & Quill blog so that you can post there also. (You have to be a member to post or comment there.)
Okay, so now that I'm done shamelessly plugging the new format of my small group, I think that I'll call it a night!


  1. Maybe you could write an invitation email and see if Louie would forward it to the church email list. You might get additional members that way.

  2. okay, explain how does this work? i want in. how do i email you? i know HOW but where :/

