Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Nerdery brought to you by the letter J

My name is Jeni and I'm an Idolholic. Yes, I am refering to American Idol. I started watching it because I wanted to laugh at the people who were auditioning who couldn't sing. It was particularly entertaining with the witty commentary of my roommates. It became the one consistent thing that we do together. Every week, we gather in the living room (or shout from living room to one bedroom) and watch as another wanna-be singer is eliminated. Most of the people I disliked were voted out early. But there is one who has managed to linger. I don't know how or why anyone votes for this contestant, labeled by one roommate as the "Keebler Elf of American Idol." Now tonight, I am feeling completely and totally disillusioned. The only contestant who seemed to have any odds of having commercial success was eliminated. I just don't understand. One contestant, they seem to keep around just because he's quirky. I don't quite understand. He's entertaining to watch, and his style is interesting, but it really doesn't seem to have much of a chance of being popular in the mainstream. But what do I know? I'm certainly not mainstream. I am just a disillusioned soul without an Idol to support. And I do not deny being a complete and total nerd. Feel free to laugh, point, and mock. But please don't be too harsh. Remember, American Idol = Roommate Relations. :)


  1. Does that make you an Idol-ater?

  2. Seeing how Chris is now gone (big mistake!) . . . I think I've got McPheever!

  3. Say it ain't so, plucky! Katherine's okay... She can sing... But she has the personality of a stick! Taylor's got the best remaining personality, but half the time he really does sound like a lounge singer. And Elliot, the Keebler Elf, the used car salesman, I will say more on that subject. My ideal top five would have looked something like this:
    1. Chris
    2. Kelly
    3. Paris
    4. Mandisa
    5. Taylor
    Taylor would have been the first to go from that group. I will not be voting for the remainder of the season, seeing how I am left with nobody worth voting for. I guess I'll still be going for Taylor.

  4. Oops... I meant to say "I will say NO more on that subject" in reference to Elliot.

  5. a woman after my own heart. did you not see my post when the show came back on? this is THE only show that i watch religously, even rush home from youth some nights just to see who might be voted off(shhhh don't tell)
    now being a pro american idol watcher i just want to state that chris being voted off was a big shock and i think that the 3 remaining are not all that great either. although (elf as you so kindly named him) elliot has a really good voice but the girls that have been watching with me don't care for his look either still, he can sing and that is what this competition is about.
    my prediction which after last weeks shocking turn of events isn't worth much, taylor will be the winner.
    too bad you watch with your roomates or i would ask you to come see it with us.
