Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Greatest Compliment

Tonight I went bowling and to shoot pool with a LOT of my co-workers. It was quite an adventure. I didn't really bowl so well, and I actually only played one round of pool... Eh, whatever--at least everyone liked my "belt" which was actually my crossword puzzle tie. That's what's really important. That was the GREATEST compliment. Okay, so maybe not. The greatest compliment (to me) actually occurred when I was NOT shooting pool. After bowling a smaller group of us decided to go and shoot pool. Three of us actually ended up just sitting around talking the whole 3 hours we were there.
So, we're talking about work, and life , and such, and as it always does, the topic made it's way around to the ominous "religion" talk. I'm always nervous that I'll say the wrong thing and make someone mad, or that I'll say something that reflects poorly on Jesus. I know I shouldn't, but I do. Anyway, this is where the greatest compliment comes into play. One of the two co-workers involved told me that until she met me, she pretty much just didn't like Christians. To me, it is an AWESOME compliment, but at the same time, it makes me sad. It makes me mourn. She shared with me some of the bad experience she's had, my other co-worker talked about how her Christian SISTER treats her poorly, and I wanted to cry. I'm grateful that God can use me to change peoples views of Christians, but at the same time, I am so upset that people should be in a situation where someone needs to change their views of Christians. I have been told this by several people, and I am joyful that God wants to use me to change that, but still sad that it needs to be done. They should be receiving our love regardless of their current beliefs or choices. (When I say our, I mean "the church" in general, the entire body of Christians.) Let's be honest, if you want to make me angry, you will tell me about a Christian who treated others poorly because of their beliefs or lifestyle. Is this what Jesus would do? Not even close. We all know that those are the people that Jesus would CHOOSE to spend time with.
So, now what? Perhaps if ya'll could pray for these co-workers that their bitterness based on past experiences would be removed and they would become open to considering Jesus. That would be great. Thanks! See ya'll later!


  1. awesome jeni. that is an awesome compliment , one of the finest. not surprising at all because you are so easily approachable and kind.
    also i got on here to say that i heard you rockin out to the new dixie chic cd(i screamed at the top of my lungs several times to get your attention but you were having too much fun) today after church. did you buy it or was that on the radio?? i haven't yet heard one radio station play it(not surprising) i haven't bought it yet but i need to. love those girls.

  2. Yeah, um... That was the CD... And I kinda like listening to it REALLY loud... Particularly because technically my country season is over. I'm bored with what they're playing on the radio. Summer is when I listen to anything that sounds good loud. Good thing this sounds good loud!

  3. It's interesting how your friends probably have instances where non-Christian people did something really ratty to them, but they don't say, "Now I don't like all non-Christians," or whatever category they could put those people in. But let a Christian do something immature or unkind, and it seems to reflect on all Christians as a group. It's good that you're able to offset that to some degree--good job! :)

  4. if christians were perfect, then we wouldn't be here. so, if our actions will never be perfect then what? there must be something that plants good seeds w/o strings attached. ah-ha, it's that thing we call LOVE. i really like how you're LOVING on your co-workers/friends. good job & thanks for your example.
