Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Not a girly girl...

I find myself constantly reminded of the fact that I have an EXTREMELY difficult time relating to the super girly-girl types. My friends tend to be guys or girls who get along better with guys. Over the last few years, I have become friends with more women (as my guys friends ran off and got married, moved away, etc.) but there are still women with whom I find conversation to be extremely awkward, for several reasons:
1. I hate to talk about make-up, unless of course the conversation is about A LACK of make-up, or record speed in putting on make-up. I am very low maintenance, and do not relate to the people who talk about their daily skin and make-up regimen.
2. I do not like when women consider themselves to be LESSER BEINGS than their husbands. I can understand a certain level of submissiveness, but to act like one's spouse is the only person in the family who knows anything about anything is completely absurd, and I cannot deal with it.
3. I don't mind talking about my "stuff" (clothes, household items, etc.) but I don't want to talk about them all of the time. My possessions are not my identity, nor should they be. I should not be viewed as a better/worse person because of the quality of my things, but unfortunately I find that even Christians are guilty of this sometimes.
4. I like to talk about/analyze literature and movies--girly girls tend not to do this. They watch the movie, and don't really think a lot about it afterward. When I talk about what I think could have been done better in a movie, I generally get a blank stare from these women. Men are always open to debating the quality of a movie/book. Why is this?

The moral of the story is, I'm not an extremely girly girl. Yes, I like to do different things with my hair (as long as it doesn't take more than 3 minutes to do in the morning). Yes, I occasionally like to wear a skirt or dress. But I'm also not afraid to leave the house as I am, no make-up, no
hairstyle, just me--wash and wear...
So I suppose my challenge, to myself, is to try to find some common ground with those girly-girls that I struggle to connect with. I'm not sure what or where it is, but I'm sure I'll find it eventually! :)


  1. Hey Jeni, want to go to the mall with me? We could go to the make-up and lingeree boutiques!

  2. Sure, Georgia... While we're at it, why don't we get our eyebrows plucked and our bikini area waxed.

  3. Jeni--I just know you posted this because you were calling me out :) Just cuz I haven't posted a comment on your blog in a long time....:)

    You can be a girlie-girl and still analyze literature and movies, anlyze stocks, make financial decisions, organize and run companies, and even (yes, it;s true) respect that your husband is the spiritual leader of your home. (By the way, I teach a mentoring session about this that's very revealing and all based on the WORD.)

    You do all this by applying your eye make-up while listening to the stock report and put your blush on while CNN Headline news is filling you in on the latest world events. A good time to apply lip gloss is driving 395 at 75 mph. (just kidding) Being girly and intelligent don't cancel each other out.

    I was also trying to remember the last conversation I had with a girly girl who gave me a blank stare about anything...could have been the Southwest flight attendant when I asked for pretzels instead of peanuts.(true story)

  4. Yes, Sherry! That's what I was going for... It was all an evil ploy just to get you to comment on my blog again! Ha ha ha! My plan succeeded...

    But seriously-- You also are not the girly-girl type that I am talking about. Hence, why I can actually have conversations with you! :P

    I don't know how to describe the type completely--I know them when I see them--I just know that they have ALWAYS been the hardest people for me to get along with (elementary school included).

  5. Now I'm thinking of ways to get Sherry to comment.....

    Scott Stapp loves girly girls.

  6. Maybe "airhead/ditsy" would be what you're trying to describe here. Personally, I like women that are girly girls (feminine) & know many of them that are extremely smart (point in case: mindy). I totally get what you're saying though. I have a hard time w/guys that always talk about sports and/or small-talk. I enjoy playing sports more & getting past surface issues. Again, it's all a matter of preference & commonality. You don't have to like or make yourself like certain types of people. Of course we can be nice & kind, but let's face it- some just don't like us & some we just don't like. It's okay.

  7. jay- i love your comment.
    this blog is a really good topic jeni. i too, know what you mean. i often times find myself at bridal showers or baby showers wondering why i was invited. God has healed some things that weren't right thinking in me and has shown me other areas that it's okay that i feel like that.

  8. Jeni--Thanks for your honesty and allowing me to have some fun.
    Georgia--Thanks for the best laugh I've had in a while!!

  9. wow, i like to talk about sports and make up. maybe that's why you guys never talk to me . . .:(

  10. Brent, I'd be happy to talk to you about sports and make up next time I see you.

  11. Brent, you're right... Maybe if you'd stop being such a girly-girl, I'd talk to you!

  12. Diga, I only avoid talking to you when you're wearing your makeup.

