Friday, December 01, 2006

Friendship Revisited.

I just had a conversation with a friend whom I haven't spoken to, as friends, for over a year. I got what I was waiting for from this friend at long last, though not necessarily what I wanted. I am grateful to have this friendship back because of the timing--because I've been praying for a friend who would be available to me when I get off work. I am grateful to have back the things that I missed, the easy and comfortable conversations, the way we understand one another, and so on. I am also glad to have an added layer in this friendship, being a layer of openness that wasn't there before, which is what I wanted most of all. At the same time, I am aware that I need to be cautious. Please pray that I will continue to let Jesus alone be my source of joy and that I would not allow myself to depend on others for this.

1 comment:

  1. While I agree that Jesus is our true source of Joy, he often brings us joy through the lives of other people in whom he also dwells. One of the ways we depend on Jesus is by trusting him enough to risk depending on others. We were created for relationship with each other as well as with God.

    Don't be afraid to risk. Yes, you could get hurt, but "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
