Sunday, September 30, 2007

Come what may

An interesting thing happened this weekend. I have been pondering the idea of buying a condo for a little while now. Every once in a while, I get the urge to look again, just for the heck of it. Yesterday I saw once that I'd be somewhat interested in. Just out of curiosity, I started checking around in other cities to see what I could get for the same amount of money. I discovered that for the same amount of money that I would spend on a mediocre 864 sq ft condo here, I could buy a 1900 sq ft, three bedroom, two bath house with a large yard elsewhere. Where, you might be asking. Nashville. I love Nashville and the cost of living there always makes me wish that I had a reason to live there. Once again, yesterday, I sat discussing with my dad how much I wish I had a reason to live there.
As some of you may know, at one point I did think I might have a reason to live there. I visited a college there about getting a Masters in Creative Writing. I had already been accepted. But when I really thought about it, it wasn't what I really wanted. I didn't want to live an hour outside of Nashville, and I didn't want to settle for a Masters in Creative Writing, when what I really wanted was a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. This is where things start to get interesting. Last night, I was talking to Becky, and she was pondering grad school, and I have never really stopped pondering it, but they just have never had the programs that I'm interested in available in a city I'd like to live in. For some reason, I decided to check out the web page for Vanderbilt (in Nashville) and see what masters programs they do have. I'd looked into it before and they didn't have an MFA program. Imagine my surprise when I arrived at their web page to find that beginning Fall of 2008, Vanderbilt University will begin offering an MFA in creative writing.
So, that is a very interesting and exciting prospect, and I have NO IDEA how it will ever happen, but I have faith that it will happen if that is what God has for me.
I just thought I'd let you all know...


  1. That is certainly intriguing . . . it will be interesting to see what develops . . .

  2. Wow Jeni, life can get more interesting all of a sudden. I visited a friend in Nashville a few years back, it seemed like a comfortable place to live. It's certainly nice to have options :)
