Sunday, October 21, 2007

Being the Light

So this morning as we all sat in church, a thought occurred to me about being the light. Many times we think that there is only one way of doing things. The problem with this is that when we meet new people who have not yet come to Jesus, we teach them to do things our way. We expect them to look at us for all direction. But the problem with continuously looking directly at a light is that it can cause blind spots in one's vision. Instead, we should be teaching them to look outwards at the world using our light until they find their own. I don't know if this makes sense to anyone else, but it makes perfect sense in my head.


  1. I like that Jeni . . . it reminds me of Psalm 119:105 which says his word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path . . . when we look directly at that light it is easy to fall into "rules" mode and live in the depressing world of "not measuring up." Proper application in this context is that his word simply shows us what direction to head.

  2. Thanks for the blog, Jeni. It's easy to forget that there are other ways to approach life.
