Saturday, January 19, 2008

Caucus Cookies

For anybody who didn't know, today was the day of Nevada's caucus. Now that you are all fully informed, I will now be sharing my caucus experience.

I arrived at Pine Middle school at about 10:45 am (we were supposed to be there by 11 am) and I entered the building. Just inside the door, there was a woman directing people to the appropriate area for their precincts and I was directed to go into the gym. Once I reached the gym, I had to stand in line to check in, which was quite unorganized. The volunteers signing people in (most of whom were wearing Hillary Clinton T-shirts, even though the volunteers were supposed to remain neutral) were QUITE rude. They had tiny signs, not more than 1 1/2 inches tall directing people which line they should be in based on last name, and then they snapped at people when it turned out they were in the wrong line.

Finally, I was signed in and I had my card on which I would be selecting my candidate. I was directed to sit in the section over which my chosen candidate's name appeared. I went to find a seat and the fun began. I found great enjoyment in talking to the other people in my section as well as the lone Kucinich supporter in the section next to ours. As people continued to flow into the gym, it became apparent that in Nevada, there was only hope for two democratic candidates:
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. People tried to find seats, but as more people arrived, they were forced to cannibalize the other sections for seats. By the time everyone had arrived, the Barack Obama section had consumed the entire Kucinich section, as well as half of the Edwards section.

At this point the count began. It was very disorganized. A woman walked around carrying a microphone and directing each person to say a number out loud. This would have been a lot easier if they had just directed people to line up and count rather than trying to keep everyone in a huddled mass. Then we selected a leader for each candidate, and the group leader counted the people in their group. At that point, calculations were made and the candidates were determined to be viable or not viable. While we waited for the calculations to be made, a couple of volunteers with the Barack Obama campaign passed around cookies and juice. I rather enjoyed my caucus cookies. Any candidates with less than 15% of the vote were considered not viable. In my precinct Edwards and Kucinich were determined to be not viable and the people in their groups were directed to either choose another candidate, or to stick to their guns and basically have no impact. Of the nine people who had selected non-viable candidates, three selected Obama, one selected Clinton, and five opted to choose nobody and to just go home.

In the end, Barack Obama won my precinct by 1 delegate. It should have been more-- percentage wise, Barack beat Hillary in my precinct by 8%. Then again, I guess there was never much chance of Washoe County's choice actually being Nevada's choice as well. Clark County pretty much overpowers the rest of the state, and I have to say that in this case, that sucks. If I've never said it before (which I'm sure I have) I'm definitely going to say it now: I REALLY DO NOT LIKE LAS VEGAS!!!

And that, my friends, is my tale of caucusing. Good night and good luck.


  1. Hey Jeni-
    We caucused this morning (I blogged a little about it too). Don't know about you, but I would be very happy if they changed it back to a primary!

  2. "Good night"? It's only 3:08 p.m.!

    Caucus cookies sound yummy . . . were they black and white?

  3. wow...sounds like fun. Watch yo mouth about vegas fool! ha ha! BTW, I saw a really bad movie this weekend "The Mist." And equally disturbing: "Jesus Camp."

  4. I wasn't able to make the caucus, so it was cool to hear more about it from you! Thanks! My husband and I agree about Las Vegas. There are too many cockroaches there, so that makes it suck by default. That and the "escort" fliers they pass out to you in front of you kids.

  5. jeni- very interesting because obama won at my location as well , makes me think this whole thing was rigged. man- it was cool to be a part of though, don't ya think? pat yourself on the back for being a responsible democrat. hee hee :)

  6. becky- i saw that jesus camp movie as well and i think my mouth was open in shock the whole time, disturbing isn't even the right word it was SCARY!!

  7. becky- was the movie disturbing in a way that I should watch it, or avoid it?

    noel- what's more interesting is that even though obama lost the state in votes, he won in delegates, which may be important later. Thank goodness that the north part of the state has some brains... :) p.s. go to youtube and watch the obama girl videos. They are hilarious! :)

  8. thanks for the tip i will do that.
