Sunday, February 10, 2008


There are quite a few people in my life who are important to me. Many of them read this blog, but the ones who are related to me do not. There are two of these people whom I love dearly and enjoy the time I spend with each of them. But spending time with them together is poison to me. They are constantly bickering and fighting, even when I am with them. Each of them complains to me about the things that the other does to annoy them. It is unkind and unfair and I hate constantly being in the middle with them. The obvious solution to this would be to not spend time with them together-- unfortunately this is not an option. The constant exposure to this poisonous relationship is bringing me to lows I haven't known for quite some time. I want to run away, but I don't have anywhere to go, let alone the strength to do it. I am also fully aware that running away is not the answer to anything. I think it's time for bed. When I wake up tomorrow it will be a new day with new challenges and hopefully that will bring new hope.


  1. I am sure a lot of us can relate to similar situations when it comes to family:) Please let me know when you figure out the perfect way to deal;)

  2. i recommend the book: love is a choice.

  3. Poison bad . . . Antidote good . . . Need anecdote for your antidote . . .

  4. choosing to remove yourself from an obviously unhealthy situation is not "running away". i would reevaluate why not seeing them "is not an option" -- it may be someone else poisoning your thinking.

  5. I also recommend love is a choice... I am only about half way through, so I don't have all of the answers yet, but I have to agree with diga... and just because someone is a blood relative (I think you mentioned this), doesn't add to the obligation of staying in an unhealthy situation.
