Monday, February 04, 2008

Soup'r Salad Monday

Yesterday was SuperBowl Sunday. Tomorrow is Super Tuesday. So what does that make today?
Soup'r Salad Monday. Personally, I went for soup, though I'm not particularly partial to either--just like yesterday. I cannot say the same is true for tomorrow. Tomorrow, I can guarantee that I will be obsessively checking every chance I get while I am at work. And then when I get home, I will immediately turn the television to CNN.

I KNOW that this is completely insane. I don't know what has happened to me. I have become a total political junkie. Ay caramba! I have to admit that in 2000, which was my first presidential election, I was literally yelling at the television as I watched the results came in. It was quite a discouraging year to experience your first presidential election. After that I knew what would happen in 2004 and had absolutely no hope that my vote would matter. I think I am so into it this year, because I actually have hope again that the process will elect the right person this year. That being said, if Hillary Clinton wins the democratic nomination, my hope will be lost again. I know it's probably a terrible thing to say, but I am literally having nightmares about what kind of pattern this would create. There are still Bushes out there who could potentially run, which could lead to a Bush Clinton Bush Clinton Bush cycle... and by the time that's over, Chelsea Clinton will be old enough to run, and who needs that sort of pattern. It's time to break free. No more Bushes or Clintons. Please!

But anyway, tomorrow-- 24 states will decide, and I am terrified about what the results will be. If you hear random screaming from my area of town, don't be alarmed-- just remember that I will be watching the results come in from the 24 states who are voting/caucusing tomorrow.

Good night, and good luck!


  1. I will be watching too. But I am trying to prove that this whole thing is pre-determined. I think that "they" would like it to come down to Hillary and McCain. It has become more of a soap opera to keep me entertained than anything else.

  2. I like the soup and salad at Olive Garden Steve . . .

  3. Man, I wish we'd get a Soup'r Salad here in town. I loved those when we lived in Texas. It made me feel like I was pigging out on healthy stuff.

  4. I'm obsessed as well about this political race. This race seems so dynamic.. It's in the air.I'm starting to have dreams about what was shown on the news the night before. Maybe time to cute back for me

  5. mccain and clinton.

    it's already been decided. it was long before any of you wasted your time voting or worrying about it. that's why you selected delegates instead of casting a vote. that's why the president is decided by electoral college. we are a republic, not a democracy, and there is a huge difference. you have no real say. the next president is being decided by people with far more power than you.
