Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Endless Circle

So this is kind of a continuation of my previous post about my personal struggles with hopelessness. I think that when I fall into the trap is when it feels like a vicious circle that I can't break free from. I will give you and example and please don't jump to discredit my example because I am aware that there are falsehoods there, but it's just how it feels in those moments of hopelessness. Here it is:
And so, I am single ------>
So I gain more weight, become less attractive .......If I were more attractive, I would not be single
...............So I eat more.........................................If I lost weight I would be more attractive
...................So I get depressed..............................................If I exercised more I would lose weight
................But it does, so I don't <---------------If it didn't hurt so much, I would exercise more
Then a new circle begins... If I wasn't single and had fulfillment in other parts of my life, such as relationships, children, etc, I would not be so dependent on my job to fulfill me, and vice versa. Yes, I know it should be God that fulfills me. It's different to know this and to put this into practice when you feel like God's blessing is going to everyone but you. If you feel like I am being a whiny little ***** then you can kick me in the head next time you see me. I am just putting this out there to remind myself not to let myself get trapped in this vicious circle. And maybe someone else is trapped in a similar circle and needs to know that they're not alone. So in some ways it would be more selfish for me NOT to post this! Just keep that in mind before you go and kick me in the head... Thanks for stopping by!


  1. have you started reading love is a choice yet????? if not, i would put it at the top of your to do list. it specifically addresses these types of cycles. i have been in these cycles, and understand, thank you for sharing:)

  2. Jeni. I hear you and was here.

  3. Consider this a "kickless" visit.
