Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thanks a Latte!

Thanks to all you guys for not throwing tomatoes at me when I go all emo. I particularly enjoyed the suggestion to get a latte, mostly because the timing of it was impeccable. I had already been planning on talking about lattes in my blog post tonight. So-- onward and upward:

I think that my non-prayers are working probably because one of my fabulous friends who are not quite so incoherent right now put them into words. I have been having a much better week this week. Better at work and better at home. I know that tonight was the big dinner and I really was considering dragging myself there, but I had the opportunity to enjoy a small dinner with a friend that I only get to spend time with a few times a year. I enjoyed an Ultimate Mudslide at happy hour price and some good conversation. I am feeling more optimistic, though nothing has changed. I am looking forward to enjoying a marshmallow mocha cappuccino with the new coffee creamer I purchased today at Target (and in case you didn't know, Target is my second favorite store. If you have to ask what my first favorite store is, you're fired!)
I am currently reading a book about brain surgery. It is a memoir by a neurosurgeon and it is quite interesting. I am working toward my goal of reading a hundred books this year that I've never read before. I am currently working on numbers 9 and 10 fo the year. The other one is The Little Book of Pandemics.
Dancing with the Stars starts again next week, so I'll be going to my mom's on Monday nights for dinner and dancing. And yes, we will also be dancing. Mock us not. It is quite fun.

So, now that I've provided you with my non-emo update, I am going to go enjoy a marshmallow mocha cappuccino. Let me know if you want one and I'll fix one up for you. :)


  1. glad you're have a good day. I wouldn't mind a marshmallow mocha cappuccino, but rather then drag it to church, just have one for me instead

  2. You're mocha welcome . . .
