Sunday, April 20, 2008

Like He Owns the Place

So I was sitting on the couch, watching Desperate Housewives before bed (yes, go ahead and laugh if you must) and I went to the kitchen to get something. When I returned, my seat on the couch was no longer empty:


  1. so now that you have a digital camera, are you finding yourself taking pictures of random events like this?

  2. Eh, I always did that, I just never got the pictures developed so I had no evidence of said events...

  3. that cat looks pretty comfortable. One swift swat should mix the problem :)...sorry I'm mean towards pets :(

  4. my dogs always do that to me. lil farts.

  5. Hihi, that's cute. Your cat wanted to watch Desperate Housewives as well. :) By the way, I think Desperate Housewives is hilarious.
