Thursday, April 10, 2008

Perhaps I should take up swimming...

I'm here. I'm blogging about nothing because I really have nothing to say. I am feeling happier right now, I have switched from country music (which tends to be depression type music) to loud, obnoxious head-banging type music. This change is a seasonal thing, as well as a somewhat emotional thing. Every year in the spring, I wake up one morning and I feel like listening to something loud. That's usually the time I start to feel more confident, outgoing, and social. This is the time of year when maintaining relationships with other people stops feeling like such hard work. So I am looking forward to this season.
It's a good time for me to be more willing to reach out to others, because physically I am feeling quite discouraged right now. I feel better in general than I have in years now that much of that extra weight on top is out of the way. But after my surgery, during the period of inactivity associated with recovery, I gained more weight than I would have liked. And at the time it didn't bother me that much because I figured that as soon as I started to get active again, that would go away. But the time came to begin again, and that hasn't been working out so well. I'm kind of stuck right now. I'm doing what I can, trying to push through and I feel like I'm not getting anywhere. I am considering taking up swimming--and I'm really not a very good swimmer. Oh well. I suppose it is better to be living "fat and happy" than skinny and unhappy. He he he he he...

Well, that's the evening report. Thanks for joining us today for this mindless rambling that I call an update.


  1. I really think that yada yada yada and that you should blah blah blah . . .

  2. Please just swim where there is a lifeguard :). I admire you for wanting to swim. It's nice cause you don't sit in your own sweat. I just don't care for the prep and after work but it's cool and refreshing...Hey, it's a go for barnes :) How about tuesday?

  3. i vote for dumb and happy. the more i know, the less i enjoy life. now that should be a psa.

  4. plucky- ahsjghkjsayreujkaSJFKL

    erica- there is no lifeguard at my apartment complex, but the pool isn't that deep. And I really don't want to swim, I want to run, but since that's not happening, there must be an alternative-- and I'm better at swimming than biking.
    Also-- Tuesday sounds FABULOUS for Barnes and Noble. What time?

    diga- dumb and happy doesn't really work for me. I can't ever have a question left unanswered. On game shows like 1 vs 100 when they show you the question but not the answers, I have to look up the answer so that I will know. Just because I want to.
