Thursday, April 17, 2008

The things I don't say.

It's been quite a week. A lot of waiting for nothing. And a lot more social activity than I'm accustomed to, which has been FABULOUS. I have actually had to start using my planner. I used to be able to just remember everything I had to do, mostly because I either had nothing to do, or I only had things that happened at the same time every week... So this is what it's like to have a life.

Anyway, tonight I went to dinner with my friend Christina and we talked about a lot of nothing, and I actually shared with her some of the things I've had going on. Things I'm not ready to blog about, but things that I needed to talk to someone about. It was really good because I haven't talked to ANYONE about these things. So it was a good evening. Now I am watching Juno which is FABULOUS.

And tomorrow is going to be great. Bully's after work with some work friends. Then in the evening I am going to see Smart People with my friend Mary, which may lead to some more real conversations. I can hope.

Saturday will be a day of fun with another co-worker. We are going to the Wine Walk for her birthday, which should be a blast. Hopefully it's less crowded this time since it's not spring break.

The rest of the weekends activities are yet unplanned. I am hoping to make a trip to Windy Hill for some sunset photos with my new camera, but we shall see.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


  1. i am glad to hear that your calendar is so full, and that you have people in your life that you can talk to, that is so important. maybe you could squeeze me into your busy schedule for a coffee or something sometime!

  2. I heard the ads for the wine walk and want to do that sometime . . . Unfortunately this weekend is alreay taken . . . Have fun!

  3. i want to do the wine walk too... maybe we could organize a small group and go soon?

  4. Laura- I think it's more likely that you need to squeeze me into your schedule. Either way, I would love to join you for coffee sometime. And I definitely think we should get a group together to go to the wine walk. It is on the third Saturday of every month, so maybe in May?

    Plucky- I don't think you're invited... Just kidding. We'll let you know.
