Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pictures in paint peeling... and Protestants

About the pictures--
When I look at things like clouds and spackled walls and peeling paint I see pictures. Animals, faces of famous (and not so famous) people. It's usually when I'm feeling bored, or lonely, or when I can't sleep-- This week I discovered a new setting for seeing pictures in unexpected places-- when I'm uncomfortable. During a doctor's appointment this week I saw William Shakespeare's face in the air vent in the ceiling. Okay, I know it's weird, but I think my imagination takes over when my emotions can't handle the place that I'm in. Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me?

And about the Protestants--
This weekend I have to miss church because of a family event. This isn't exactly true... I will not be missing church, I will be missing my church family. I will be attending church elsewhere with the rest of my family because the church that I attended as a child is honoring a friend of the family for her 95th birthday. It will be great to celebrate the occasion, as she's a really sweet lady.
This is taking place at the Lutheran church that I attended until I was 9 years old. I have only been back there twice and both experiences have left a bad taste in my mouth... I'm sure it works out well for some people, but for me I can't handle the exclusivity of it all. I don't really agree with the rules of the church that state that only someone who has gone through confirmation in that particular church can partake of communion-- among other things. I will be missing home this weekend. I will be missing the people who love me as I am, the people who actually know me-- who can look at me and know when something is not right. But at least I know I have someplace to call home. Someplace that I can go back to time and time again and be blessed by the company of true friends.

Today's post was brought to you by the letter: P


  1. 1) we all have defense mechanism, ways to zone out so that we don't have to feel, at least yours is a pleasant one!

    2) So, I have been trying to figure this out... are all non-catholic Christians considered protestant? Or just the major denominations that came about shortly after the reformation? According to my in-laws, we are protestants, because we are not catholic. Is this correct? They say it like its a dirty word too.

  2. It is my understanding that non-Catholic Christ-followers are considered Protestants.

    Just like non-Jews are considered Gentiles . . .

    Just like non-Males are considered Female . . . Okay, maybe not like that one . . .

  3. Laura--I'm going to have to agree with plucky on that one. Except for the last part. I think I will have to kick him in the shins for that one.

    plucky-- If you start running now, maybe you'll be able to escape the shin kicking...

  4. I'll miss you this Sunday. I zone out when I'm having trouble handing my emotions.
    I haven't been to a Lutheran church, but can imagine the stiffness ( I went to a funeral at a catholic church) and there was more comfort in the wooden benches then the atmosphere.

  5. Jeni - i think it's great that you see faces, people - creative.

  6. jeni- so how was it? i already saw pics of your new tattoo. looking good.
    can't wait to see it in real life.
