Monday, September 01, 2008


This just in:
Just days before the submission deadline for the Real Simple essay contest, my essay is being completely overhauled-- It is now going in a completely different direction than I originally intended, and this one seems to flow much more naturally. My old topic felt too force, too wooden-- And of course too lengthy. It was not a story that could any way be told in 1500 words. Trust me-- I've been trying for weeks to condense it, but telling only the bare bones cannot possibly capture the essence of the moment. And tonight, as I was lying in bed, trying to go to sleep, I was thinking about what I could possibly do to make this work. I really did not want to send in a crappy essay just to say I did it, so I tried to think of another moment to write about. But really, how do you condense THE most important moment of your life into 1500 words. In fact, how do you even pinpoint the most important moment of your life? These are all thoughts that rolled through my head within the last hour. And that's when it came to me. The beginning of the 1500 words that will describe the most important day of my life. Now to put pen to paper and get it done. I always have worked better under pressure. Hopefully this will be no exception. Look for the end result in a future post--but it may be a few months!


  1. wow, Jeni! I was a little nervous when I first started reading about you re-writing but I know it will turn out great and better! I have an urge for a B&N night with coffee ;)
