Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A New Blog

So, since I generally stop blogging when I'm feeling emo, and I've been encouraged not to do so, I have created another blog that will be all about those emo days. The link is in my menu on the left and it will include all my emo rants, poems, songs, etc. If you are into emo, then you can pop over there every once in a while to get your dose-- and if you're not then you can just pretend like my emo blog doesn't exist and just hang out at this one. The current feature on my emo blog is a lament-ish sort of poem. If you visit, then I hope you enjoy!


  1. can't do the emo.

    i'll stick to crappy roommate stories.

  2. i made a new blog also. i am not sharing it though. i will have to check your emo one out
