Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2009!

You know all of the rules about drinking that one should follow in order to avoid feeling crappy the next day? Let's just say that those rules went out the window this New Years' Eve. The last couple of years I spent New Years' with my family for lack of a better plan. This year I attended a "progressive dinner" with a couple of my closest friends and it was quite an adventure. I enjoyed myself immensely despite my resistance to the entire idea. And at the encouragement of my friends, I did indulge in some beverages. To be honest, I broke the cardinal rule of drinking and mixed my alcohols... I had a margarita at the first stop (tequila). Shared a bowl drink with my friends at the second stop (also tequila). No drinks at the third stop. The fourth and final stop is when everything went down hill. I started with a glass of wine, moved on to a mojito (rum), then decided that a PEAR mojito might be better (vodka) and then after midnight enjoyed a couple of mimosas (champagne) and a glass of wine. Let's just say this is a once in a lifetime experience. I feel great at the moment, but I'm sure that won't be the case in the morning... I am currently eating crackers and drinking water to try to minimize the consequences. And I am QUITE looking forward to coffee with Erica tomorrow. Should be a great time. Happy New Year to Ya'll and I shall see you soon! :)


  1. Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

  2. So, did you make it for coffee? Because those combinations made me feel queasy just reading about them!

  3. plucky- I think my New Year's Resolution should be to drink more... He he he... Just kidding.

    chemane- Amazingly enough, I felt pretty darn good in the morning after I had a greasy McDonald's breakfast! :)

  4. Ahhhh, the greasy food the morning after. Nothing beats a Jimboy's chorizo breakfast burrito, yum!

  5. ooh noo! I'm so sorry I flaked on our coffee appt :(...I hope I didn't make your hang over worse.
