Sunday, June 28, 2009

Life and things to come...

Today was a wonderful day filled with blessings. I had fabulous conversations with THREE of my close friends-- the ones who are just as much my friend as I am theirs and now I feel quite relaxed and encouraged. (I love you guys!)
The afternoon started out with a little time to myself, which was nice, because I really haven't had any of that for the last couple of weekends. Since I was meeting some friends for a movie downtown at 2:15, I just went straight downtown. It would have been silly to go home only to have to leave again 10 minutes later. So I decided to chill at Dreamers' for a little while and have some lunch. This was officially my first time trying a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich and I must say that it was quite tasty.
The movie was hilarious and then I went to Pneumatic Diner with one of my inner circle (hehehe) and had a tasty meal there. We walked around downtown quite a bit, which was nice. I really should spend more time outside... I should make myself do it, even when I really don't feel like it.
Anyway, after that, I went home and talked to TWO more of my friends on the phone which was also quite nice.

As far as things to come-- Real Simple magazine is having another essay contest. I can't believe it's already been a year since the last one. At any rate-- I fully intend to enter again. I think this time the subject is a bit less vague and I already know what I want to write about. They've also increased the word count from 1500 to 3000 words, which might make things a bit easier. I can't wait to get started.
Also, it's almost JULY which means that ARTown is almost here. I fully plan to take advantage of the free activities-- I may be broke, but that doesn't mean I can't have a great time in July. I'll be posting some activities on Facebook if anybody wants to join in on the ARTown fun...
And last-- I am making plans for my birthday because I want to have fun and hang out with the people that I love and care about when I turn *cough* thirty *cough*. It's three months away, but I don't care. I want to make sure that I am happy and not depressed and so I'm planning things that I enjoy and if anybody wants to join in, they're welcome to, and if not, it's their loss! More on that later.

I also see bedtime in my near future... We'll say about 15 minutes in the future... :) Good night, all!

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