Thursday, May 13, 2010

I May Be Crazy

If you're reading this and don't already know about my latest venture, I'll fill you in. On April 19, I started a 30 day challenge of Bikram yoga. In other words, I go to class every day for thirty days. The classes are 90 minutes long and consist of the same 26 postures every time. The best part... The class is done in a 105 degree room... Very exciting. So anyway, today was my 25th day and it feels great to be accomplishing something. I'm trying to focus on the positives I've experienced even though I sometimes feel frustrated that I'm working so hard and not seeing much change in my body. I'm sure it will come. In the mean time, I have finished 25 out of 30 days and I think I'm going to expand it to 60 days. Like I said, I may be crazy. If anyone would like to join me, I'd love the company! :)

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