Monday, May 02, 2011

Letter to Me

It is funny that I should feel so bored and discontent most days, because there truly is a lot going on most days, and I really have accomplished a lot in the last year. The purpose of this post is mostly to remind myself so that I can be encouraged and reminded that I am capable of most anything I set my mind to, as long as my heart is in it. It takes the form of a letter to myself, and since probably nobody except for me will read it, it shouldn't be too awkward... :)

Dear Jeni,
Here are the things that you have done in the last year that you can be proud of:
1) You survived. Plain and simple. Despite devastating loss, you muddled through and became a stronger person for it. You are a fighter, and don't let yourself think otherwise.
2) Your first act of keeping a commitment to yourself - the 60 day yoga challenge. Yes, it seems like so much more than a year ago, but really, that's all it's been since you were getting rolling on that. You stuck to it - took the time for yourself every day. It's time to find something and do that again. You are worth it.
3) National Novel Writing Month - This was the seventh or eighth year that you've started something with the goal of writing 50,000 words in a month and this time you made it. Now, you just have to set aside some time to finish the story that you started. Your heart desperately wants to finish it, and there is no reason to be afraid. Even if you cannot sell your novel, you'll still have written one. Finish this one, then move onto another. And another. It is your dream and your heart and you will not ever know how many lives might be touched by your writing if you never put it out there, if you never try.
4) Who knew that you could become a runner? All of your previous attempts involved alternating running and walking, but once you learned that it was okay to run slow, that you didn't have to be ashamed that you weren't the fastest, you found your groove. So you don't run fast enough to be considered competitive, but right now you're just competing with yourself. You have worked your way up to 6 miles, which is so exciting- 6 miles without walking really is something to be proud of, no matter what the lies in your head try to tell you. Now it's time to get in gear and start working your way up to 13.1. I know right now, September seems pretty far off, but if you delay, it will be here in the blink of an eye and you will be unprepared. Remember. You can do it.
5) You have taken a leap of faith and completed the paper work necessary to get pre-approved for a home loan. I know that it is unnerving waiting for an answer, but have faith. Have faith that God will take care of you no matter where this journey leads. Have faith that God knows what is best for you and that His timing is perfect. If this doesn't work out, it just means that the time isn't right. And if there is work to be done before you can be approved, you can do it. You can pay off your student loans.
6) You have ventured out into the world of dating again. So the ventures have been completely unsuccessful, but you have held tight to your values. It would be so easy to settle for someone just so you could have someone, but God has promised you the best and you will not settle for less. You are strong for holding out for what you know is right, for not compromising on the things that are important, and because of this, when the time is right, your marriage and your family will be a success. I know it is hard to believe this when you're watching everybody around you build the family you desperately desire, but when the time comes, it will be so much more precious, so much more valuable because of your wait. You will be rewarded for your patience.

Please know that you are so much stronger, so much more talented, so much more loved than you give yourself credit for. Never forget that when you let your passion for life take over, you can do anything, you can be anything. You are a representative of God and with that you have a responsibility to live life to the fullest. That means not hiding in corners or holing up in your apartment like a hermit. It means taking care of yourself so that you can take care of others and it means getting out there and loving the people you encounter. It is true that some people are jerks, but chances are the thing they need most is love, so think about that before you retort back in an equally jerk-like fashion.
You are loved, therefore you must also love. Love yourself (but not in an egotistical sort of way) and love all who you come in contact with, even if they don't deserve it. That's not your call.

May God's love be with you,


  1. Dear Jeni,

    I ditto this whole letter and then would just like to add that I am so so so proud of you!
    You are loved and appreciated.

    Love, Noel

  2. I am getting tired thinking about yoga and/or running 6 miles. I can't imagine attempting dating. That has to suck hard.

    You are doing a whole lot. Now don't blog so much you don't finish that novel.

  3. Noel - Thanks! You are such an encouraging friend! :)
    Brent - It absolutely sucks and the thought of dating is far more exhausting that yoga or running...
