Monday, April 23, 2012

Must Be Doing Something Right

The way I see it, I really must be doing something right, because so many things are going wrong.  It's been an interesting moving experience so far.  Saturday was moving day and the people who showed up to help me were the three most important men in my life (and also my brother's girlfriend).  Nobody else, just them.  So Thursday night, I got practically zero sleep, which meant that I was completely unproductive on Friday and did not really get much done in the way of packing.  All of the books and other items that had been packed earlier were already moved on Friday, but Saturday was a fiasco.  Without my mom's skill at organizing and directing, very little of what needed to get done actually wound up getting done.  I am overwhelmed and feeling like everything is not going to get done.  I keep saying that I wish that I could just burn everything in my old apartment so that I don't have to deal with it.  Obviously I don't really mean it, but I feel lost and I don't know what to do with all of the random piles of stuff that I managed to accumulate and that I never dealt with. 
 The funny thing is, that this is a great analogy for our relationships with God.  As we look to move forward- to be changed, to have a new beginning- we expect things to be easy.  We expect the change to happen right away - we expect to make the decision to make a new start and to have the junk from our pasts to completely disappear.  But that's not how it works.  Just because we choose a new life, a new beginning, does not mean that the problems of the past are gone.  We still have to deal with all of the garbage that we've let build up, the difference is that with God we are better equipped to deal with it.
The message from church on Sunday keeps running through my head - there is one particular thing that stood out to me, and it was the point that we are completely willing to trust God with our live and our salvation, which is a huge thing, and yet we aren't willing to trust Him with the little things in our lives, the mundane things that make up our day to day.  I'm trying to remind myself to trust Him with the little things rather than freaking out over how little time I have left to get finished cleaning out my old apartment.  I'm having a really hard time with that, especially after today.  I was going to skip Weight Watchers so that my dad and I would have more time to get things done (since my dad is the one person that I can ALWAYS depend on) and when I went to leave work, my car would not start.  The battery was dead.  Worse, the battery is located in a funky place, so the tire had to come off so that it could be replaced.  So instead of working on getting the junk at my old apartment cleaned up, my dad and I ended up at Pep Boys getting my battery fixed.  So now I have even less time to get things done.  And I'm still as inept at this as I always was.  On the positive, only 23 more days left until vacation

1 comment:

  1. Funny but true, you really know who your closest most loyal friends and family are when you go to move. Sounds like it was a busy, hard day leaving behind the old place.
