Sunday, March 27, 2016

Love is Bigger than Politics

The below is a post I made on my Facebook page in response to something a friend shared about why the "right" is the side for Christians when it comes to politics.  My initial response was anger and I wanted to write an argument to DESTROY that point of view.  And my gut reaction was not loving at all.  Next, I wanted to show all of the ways that the "right" is wrong.  And then all of the ways the "left" is wrong and why we're all just totally HOSED!  And then my husband saw the same post I had seen and said, "I can't believe he would post that on Easter."  And in that statement I was convicted.  I had been writing a post that only saw the bad and did not see the cross.  I still felt compelled to share my heart but in that moment God placed the love colored glasses in front of my eyes and what follows is the result.

A thought on Easter - Jesus gave his life to save all humanity.  Jesus's sacrifice is bigger than race, gender, nationality, denomination, and (particularly timely) political affiliation.  It is a free gift to ANYBODY who would accept it.  I do not like conflict so I only talk politics with those who have proven they can have a differing opinion without making it a competition.  But today my heart is weighing as my newsfeed fills with vitriolic statements on a day that is supposed to be all about God's LOVE.
During election seasons I tend to keep my thoughts to myself because I find myself disgusted by all of the hatred and mean-spiritedness that goes along with it.  My ideal candidate would be the one who made their campaign by serving the people in tangible ways.  Spending their campaign dollars on helping rather than hurting.  I am registered as a non-partisan because I think both sides have it wrong.  Yes, I think life begins at conception, but I cannot fully support the party that values the unborn but fails to care for the hurting, broken and downtrodden who are already among us.  At the same time I cannot fully throw myself behind the party that wants to take care of people but fails to hold them accountable in any way.  I struggle with the death penalty because while my flesh thinks some people deserve it, my heart reminds me I'm called to forgive.  There are so many things that seem disconnected from the heart of God on each side that nobody can rightly claim that one party has all of the right answers.  God calls his people to unity, not division modern day politics are all about division.
I recently saw an article suggesting that rather than protesting abortion clinics, perhaps the more Christ-like and loving thing to do would be to hold signs offering to adopt the unwanted children.  My heart found joy in this idea and my mind saw it as a balance between both sides of the political spectrum.  It addresses the moral desire to save the unborn but offers a loving and compassionate alternative to what may seem like a struggling woman's only option.
So this Easter, as one of the most contentious elections on the books swirls around us, why don't we show what Jesus' sacrifice was all about by loving not just those like us, but also those who oppose us;  serving not just those who earn it, but also those who have made mistakes; and spending time with not just those who already know and accept Jesus but also those who have so often been shut out that they despise all that he stands for.  Let us show Jesus' love by how we love.

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