Saturday, August 06, 2016

An Election Season Challenge

Growing up, I looked forward to the day that I would be able to cast my vote for president.  After all, as children we were taught that in America, every vote matters.  As early as 1988, I can remember choosing who I thought should win, though at age 9, I can't say I had any valid basis for my selection.  But somehow knowing that I would someday have a choice, I felt empowered.
Finally in 2000, I had my first chance to choose.  To make my voice heard.  And I found out that my vote meant nothing.  The election in 2000 was a circus.  Between recounts, "dimpled chads," and a conflict between electoral votes and popular vote, I discovered that the American public has little say.
I learned that no president ever keeps their word because most of what they'd LIKE to do can only be accomplished if the other side cooperates - which I've never seen in my lifetime.  I learned that the media will stir up drama wherever they can to get more viewers so it's unlikely that anybody could make a FULLY educated choice.  I learned that no matter what the voting public decides, the other side is going to spend 4 to 8 years being bitter and mean about it.  And I learned that none of it matters because God is in control and whoever is in office, He has ALLOWED to be there.
I learned all of this BEFORE the current election season even began - and this election season has confirmed everything I learned and has gone far beyond.  The debates and the conventions are no longer opportunities to learn about the candidates qualifications and experience and how they intend to use it - instead they are reality shows, filled with name-calling, cat-fights and accusations.  
We have been presented with two choices, both severely lacking in virtues that are important for those seeking to be leaders. There are certainly other candidates who are more qualified but the manuscript that we are fed on a daily basis tells us that we only have the two choices and we collectively as a nation, we eat it up.  We choose our side and belittle anybody who chooses differently.  Apparently "united we stand, divided we fall" no longer applies, because even those we select as our leaders are divided.  Even these leaders belittle the other side.
So 16 years after my first election, I am FED UP.  I am fed up with elected officials who refuse to work together.  I am fed up with people who vilify anybody who see things differently than they do.  And I am ESPECIALLY fed up with self proclaimed Christians who spew hateful words about our current president and any candidate who values different things; who are looking to a candidate who regularly spews hate to "make America great again" which is really something that only God can do.   

So, with all of that said, I would like to challenge anybody who has read this far:  If you are a Christ-follower, it is your duty to love your enemies and prayer for your leaders.  Wherever you stand on the political spectrum, I challenge you to pray for our standing president Barack Obama, for EVERY presidential candidate this election (because you have to be pretty darn gutsy to volunteer for that level of scrutiny), for every candidate serving or representing your state, and for the American public to choose wisely and to be open to consider carefully.  I challenge you to try to see every candidate through God's eyes and to consider that before posting or sharing on social media.  And I challenge you to remember, above all else, to love them all, even if you don't like them.

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