Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Generation F (as in fantasy)

Today while I was sitting watching cartoons with Linnea, I saw one of the most disturbing commercials I have ever seen.  Not disturbing in the graphic or violet sort of way but disturbing in the values it was promoting.  It featured a little girl who was really excited because she had graduated preschool and so her parents were taking her on vacation to Walt Disney World to celebrate her graduation...  from PRESCHOOL!  What?!  The commercial then proceeded to call this trip a "kindermoon."  What?!
There is a popular and nasty ongoing conversation about millennials and how they are the generation of participation trophies and entitlement.  The reality is that there are people like this in every generation.  But that really isn't the point.  The point is that it seems that as a society we're trying to create a generation of SUPER MILLENIALS.  Forget the participation trophy - that's not good enough any more.  Instead you must be rewarded for doing EXACTLY what all other children your age are doing.
I pray that Josh and I can do better for our daughter (and any future kids we may have) - that we can teach her to be a responsible citizen who loves God and loves others. I pray that she can learn the value of working hard and experiencing disappointment now and then.  I pray that she can learn to appreciate the value of even the small things.  And I pray that she doesn't expect to go to Disney World for a "kindermoon."

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