Wednesday, March 08, 2017

I am Woman, Hear Me... Yawn...

So today was apparently International Women's Day.  I'm not a big fan of having a "Day" for everything.  It doesn't upset me or offend me, I just don't understand the logic behind it.  In my mind, the Bible's instructions to love God and love your neighbor as yourself  (Mark 12:30-31) make things pretty simple.  We should love all people on all days, even when we don't necessarily like them.  We should show love to our spouses every day, not just on Valentine's Day.  We should celebrate our mothers year round, not just on Mother's Day.  And we should celebrate the value of women and their accomplishments every day, too.  Oh, and the value of men?  Let's celebrate that, too.  Every day.

This may be a controversial mindset since I am a woman, but I just don't get it.  Especially the "Day without women" protest that was happening today.  I'm not denying that there are situations in which women are treated unfairly.  I have often found myself explaining to my husband how difficult it is being a woman sometimes, especially within the church, because church tradition puts women in the background even though they were valuable to Jesus and his ministry.  That being said, I don't understand what can be accomplished by this sort of movement.  It reflects poorly on all women, making us look whiny and entitled.  I personally do not subscribe to the belief system that says "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" but instead try to live in the knowledge that we all "reap what we sow."

The other big issue I have with the whole thing is that the women I've seen most vocally promoting this event have been outright attacking women who dare to question them.  It is completely illogical that the women who are fighting so hard for their "rights" are attacking other women for exercising their "rights" because they don't agree.  Maybe women would make more progress in their careers if they would stop being so darn mean.  Because if that's how they're treating other women who are supposed to be their allies, how do you think they're treating men?  To be completely honest, there have been times in my life that I have been ashamed to be a woman because many women out in the world are just SO MEAN - catty, and judgmental and gossipy and MEAN.

I understand that it's partly a need to feel in control that drives that meanness, but it ends up undermining everything the protesting women are fighting for.  This "Mean Girls" attitude demonstrates a lack of teamwork.  So if a woman has the same SKILLS as a man but she cannot stop gossiping and doesn't work well with the team, then why should she be paid the same as a male counterpart who does the same work without the drama?

At the end of the day, I am proud to be the woman God made me to be.  So rather than protesting which would only draw attention to me and puff me up, I choose to just reflect on what I can do to improve myself with God's help.  After all, I cannot change the attitudes others have toward me - I am only responsible for myself and my own attitude.

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