Monday, August 22, 2005

Expressing the Stress... What a mess...

Howdy! I'm still here, still alive, still trying to figure out how to pack everything to move by next weekend. Ergh! So, here's how things are looking right now. Today, I worked an 11 hour day with no lunch. What a way to start the week! Don't get me wrong--Normally I am incredibly grateful for overtime. I love to have the extra money to put toward bills and such, but this week is not the best week to have to put in a lot of extra hours. I am moving this weekend. I have only packed four boxes. My clothes from my closet are on the floor because the rod in my closet broke. (WHY?!) I am helping (or at least trying to help) Becky with a bridal shower for a friend of ours. The shower is taking place on Friday, which means I will accomplish NO packing or moving on that day. I suppose all I can do is pray that the rest of the week goes by more smoothly than today, and that I will remember to ask for help at work and at home instead of trying to take care of everything on my own. Becky is going to help me with the packing. I am incredibly grateful for that. If anyone needs me for anything before that, you can find me buried under a mountain of books and clothes, trying to dig myself out, surviving by eating the pages of a Nicolas Sparks book that I was going to throw away or burn anyway. At least a Nicolas Sparks novel is good for something...


  1. you sound just like my husband: a procrastonator. he puts off the stuff he doesn't like to do, then at the last minute he has to push to get it done. i am the opposite: get the yucky stuff done first, usually too soon, then the other stuff is easy.

  2. sounds like you have a pretty busy sked. i wonder if there's anyone else that could help you out? who else could you ask?

  3. I like how only Becky responded to the Nicholas Sparks joke. :) I'm such a nerd...

  4. Jeni, is there something we can do to help this weekend? We are available Saturday. We have an expedition that, with the back seat removed, could haul many boxes.

    Of course, I've never heard of Nicholas Sparks so you'd have to deal with that annoyance.

  5. Ha ha ha... Thanks plucky! I'm not sure if I will be able to move anything on Saturday, because that's when the person whose room I am taking over is moving out... I will let you know if I need help, though. Thank you SO MUCH for your offer. :)
    The thing with Nicholas Sparks is that he's a REALLY popular author, but in my opinion, his books are poorly written. He is responsible for the books that preceded such movies as The Notebook and A Walk to Remember.
