Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Calling all Pickups

I'm just wondering if anyone who reads this has a pickup truck and some time to help me on either Saturday or Sunday afternoon. The person who was going to come over with her pickup has had a change of plans, and now I am in search of replacement pickup. Please reply here if you can help me or if you have any ideas for me, or if you just want to make fun of me. On the more positive side, because of Becky's help yesterday, I now have a large majority of my stuff packed. Except the books... That's going to take at least 20 boxes, but at least they're easy to pack... I can't wait for the move to be done so that I can start getting settled.


  1. I checked with Sue and we have not made plans for Sunday afternoon. I'll look for you in church and you can let us know if we can help.

  2. You'll see me at church for sure because I'm in nursery... Thank you again SO MUCH!
