Sunday, August 28, 2005

New places

I'm almost completely moved, though not yet settled. I guess now it's okay to stop and break down. Life has been exhausting recently, helping BBoss with the bridal shower, packing, moving, working lots of overtime. I am run down, and somewhat let down. Aside from BBoss, my closest friends really contributed nothing to helping me move, even when I asked for help. On the brighter side, I think the move will work out to be a positive thing. I really don't have much to say right now. I'm kind of tired, and still have a lot to do, so I think I'll just call it a night...


  1. Good night! Get some rest. Things always look/feel worse when you're tired.

  2. how do you like your new place?

  3. glad you got moved. you forgot to include a 4 hour small groups meeting on sunday :)

    hope you like the new digs.

  4. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR NEW PLACE? dag-nabbit!

  5. dear jaybird--I really like my new place, except that the internet doesn't work there right now and so I can't answer you everyday! ;)

  6. geesh, jay no need for yelling. poor jeni had been through enough.

  7. glad you like your new crib. when ya going to have everyone over for a bbq?

    notice that i didn't yell this time. i don't want to stress you out! ;>)
