Thursday, September 01, 2005

By popular demand:

Okay, so I really had only one request to post some more writing here, but I am going to do it anyway. This poem is LOOSELY based on the person I was four years ago, when some of you first met me. While it is slightly exaggerated, it reflects the reality of who I was then. You can make your own assessment of how it compares to who I am now.

Shattering Divinity

She had everyone fooled

Known to the world as blushing innocence
she carried her Bible with her everywhere--
except on Saturday nights.
Those nights she was everything wild:
Painted on cherry red smile
pitch black eyelashes that go on for days

slinking around the smoke-filled room
in a dress so small her sister's doll could wear it

stopping every now and then
to toss back another shot of Cuervo Gold
drinking until the world around her
started spinning like a tilt-a-whirl
and blackness engulfed her.

Sunday morning
Despite her hangover,
she sat in the front row in church
and thanked God for another Saturday.

Are you happy now, denden? You requested some writing, and there it is. (It's a couple years old, but for now, it will have to do...)


  1. wow jeni i never wouldv'e guessed.

  2. i never would have guessed. doesn't surprise me though. not having anything to do w/ you, but that we all have our own stories of transitioning/becoming/transforming from our old ways. Stories that would make many blush.

  3. sounds familiar. except for the part about dresses. i was never quite that wild. God is amazing in how he transforms us, and is remarkably patient with us in the process.

  4. yes...i'm happy now...thank you jeni. God has surely visited your heart. I want to see more.

  5. Yeah, jaybird, let's not go into the stories that would make many blush! And pigmy, I'm sure that the only reason you never wore a dress is because it wouldn't go with your Dark Vader helmet.

  6. Very nice poem, Jeni. Thank you for sharing it. As has already been pointed out, everyone has a past.

    I simply love the concept of how God redeems our past and turns what the enemy meant for evil into good by using our experience of grace to positively impact another person's life with the good news. To do so, however, we must be brave enough to make ourselves a little vulnerable and you've just taken a major step in that direction.

    Well done!
