Monday, September 05, 2005

A very unusual day

I must say, that's what yesterday was. It was the first time that I actually SAT THROUGH both services at church. I mean, I've been there during both enough times, but usually I am doing something during one of them, so I've never been able to compare the difference. Also, I've never had the experience of hearing the same talk twice, causing it to sink in even more. This will be important later.
After church, I went to Ferntucky to visit my oldest bro & his wife. Only one of my nieces and nephews was there, which was VERY pleasant because the others, while I love them, are not terribly well behaved. My oldest sister called to talk to us, crying because now that she's in Atlanta she misses us and isn't getting along very well with the guy she moved there for--but she doesn't want to leave because her son, my nephew (who's 19) is doing well there and really enjoying it. Between the family, we spent an hour and a half on the phone with her, trying to calm her down. There were many bad jokes made and some disagreements about politics which one of the guests (not a family member) turned into a childish display of name-calling.
The ride home was probably the strangest thing that happened the whole time... The discussion of the political disagreement led into a discussion about faith and it gave me an opportunity to share with my parents. They asked me a lot of questions about what different things meant, and how I interpreted them and how I knew they were true and I discussed with them some of my experiences with faith. It was incredible. Opportunities like this don't come up with my parents very frequently. When I talk about church, they usually change the subject, but this time, it was them who kept the conversation going and I kept talking about it as long as they were willing to hear, which ended up being all the way home.
After that, I had another interesting thing happen which I don't want to elaborate on right now, but I will probably talk to some of you about it later.
And that was my Sunday.


  1. oh, great! leave us hangin'! dag-nabbit! sassin'-frassin', frickin'-frackin', cottin'-pickin', okay i'm done. glad to hear about the awesome opportunity to share. those moments are cool, because they don't always happen that often. cool. congrats.

  2. wow - faith, politics, and family. sounds like a relaxing afternoon!

  3. It wasn't really intended to leave you hanging, it was more a matter that it's something that I don't really want EVERYONE in the world to be able to read about...

  4. i'd be interested in hearing some of those "experiences with faith" someday when you feel like that I think about it, i can't ever remember having a "faith" conversation with my father (and now he's gone).

    I think Sunday was a good day for you...

  5. still hangin'..... just kiddin'...
