Tuesday, September 06, 2005

One time too many

The evil K has messed me over one time too many. I am very upset with my manager right now-- There is an assistant manager leaving at work, transferring to Carson, actually, and my manager had encouraged me to apply for the position and I had openly expressed my interest. I've been waiting for the position to be posted, but now it seems that they gave the position to someone else without posting it or interviewing for it. I wouldn't really care had it not been for the fact that my manager ENCOURAGED ME to apply for it. I am actually downright angry about the whole thing. I want to leave there. I've been praying for something else to come up for a couple of years now, and still I'm there. I just want to move up, because if I'm going to be stuck there, I might as well start advancing myself, right? I really don't know what to do right now-- I can't ever seem to be able to find something new, but I'm not going anywhere in the Evil K either. Please pray for me to find clarity in this situation.


  1. that's messed up! maybe, it's time for your manager to do a lil' splainin'. eye bee prayin'.

  2. i thought jobs had to be posted for a certain period of time before anyone can be considered. that has always been my experience.

  3. Yes, technically, that is the case... But in Kinkoland, it rarely works that way... And I'm used to that. I really wouldn't care had it not been for the fact that she is the one who asked me to apply... Ugh!

  4. Jeni, I've had more then one season in my life when I was miserable on the job. It bites. I will be praying for you.
