Saturday, August 06, 2005

Putting off Packing

I'm here, making a post, though I really have nothing to say, because I am trying to avoid packing. I despise packing. I like moving--carrying boxes and furniture (yes, it's sick isn't it) and being in a new place--change is great. But packing... well, that's another story. Packing and I, we just don't get along. I always intend to start early, and as the time draws nearer and nearer, I find myself less and less motivated to pack. I'm supposed to start moving my stuff in a little over two weeks, and I've done nothing, except to get rid of 3 bags of clothes. When there is no pressure, I lack the motivation to get rid of the things I don't want to move--to sort through the mess I've made during this phase of my life--after all, a mess is almost inevitable with me. I've been watching a lot of home improvement television lately (even though I don't have my own home to improve) and I frequently find myself VERY attached to the idea of participating in the show "Clean Sweep." Someone objective helps you go through your things and helps you decide what to keep and what not to. Even if I got nothing else out of it, no new room, no new furniture, it would still be worth it for someone else to look at my stuff and say "WHAT DO YOU NEED ALL OF THIS CRAP FOR?" I need someone who can help me discern what is CRAP that is just weighing me down. So right now, I'm just here, making this post, because it is much easier than trying to figure out what I need to eliminate. Hmmmm... Where to begin...


  1. I hate both packing and moving. But for some weird reason I sure love throwing stuff away. It doesn't matter whether it's emptying the fridge, clearing the closet, or mucking out the garage, the Big Purge really floats my boat. Out with the old, make room for the new!

  2. i love throwing stuff away also. i really like moving, as long as it's opp - yeah you know me. i'm not big on change. i get a little flustered if the sock drawer changed. God has a sense of humor, methinks, due to the fact that lolita can't stand to leave a room the same for more than a couple months. then get out the paint brushes, move the furniture, etc. i have this feeling that we're going to have lost about 100 sq. ft. on our home by the time we move out due to the constant painting these poor walls endure.

  3. i hate packing & moving,but i like going through & getting rid of things i don't need. it feels liberating, plus it makes room for new stuff.
