Thursday, August 04, 2005

Fighting against the negative.

Okay, so now that that's over with... Here are some more things that I can be happy for:

1. My replacement pig antenna balls should be coming soon. (My old one was stolen... This time I ordered a back-up) I ordered them last week with the money I made doing an apartment mystery shop.
2. I took a 2 1/2 hour nap today.
3. My mom is making me dinner tomorrow, so I don't have to cook or buy food.
4. Unnamed Writers' Group is meeting again this month, on Saturday.
5. We are having an ice cream social for my sister on Sunday before she leaves for Georgia. I'll get to see my family members that I don't get to see frequently enough.
6. I get paid in an hour and a half.
7. Only one more day to work this week and the person who drives me crazy doesn't work tomorrow.
8. I exchanged three e-mails today with my friend who lives in Iowa, whom I miss and rarely get to talk to.
9. I'm meeting my friends Saturday morning for our bi-weekly payday weekend breakfast.
10. I found some job postings online that actually sounded like something I would enjoy instead of something that would just be an escape... And I applied for them even though I may not be "qualified."

WOW!!! Can you believe I made it to ten? : )


  1. yeah, way to change your focus. that is very cool. good job, jeni

  2. You did so take it once, dover... But you did put it back... Please put it back if you take it again! :(
