Thursday, August 04, 2005


Warning: This post is mostly just my mental processing.
I'm sure we all know that feeling. Like we're moving backwards--like every step we take is counteracted by two steps backward. I know that each step I take in obedience, with Jesus at my side, is a positive step, a step in the right direction, but sometimes it's like walking into a hurricane. I have been trying for five years to get my debt under control. I know I have made progress, but some days, looking at that ant hill, it seems to be Mount Everest. I know that God is supposed to be our provider, but my debt just keeps growing, or at least remaining stagnant. I have a really hard time dealing with a provision that leaves us buried in debt. Yes, I was stupid in the past. Yes, I made mistakes, and I deserve to pay for them. But how long will the interest and late fees and overlimit fees go on? Okay, so one credit card will be paid off, and there's still five left. It's good that one's paid off. I was going to pay more to other cards but I got hit by some bogus charge from a website that I signed up for something YEARS ago, and now they charged me for an "auto renew." I am fighting with them to get the charge reverse, but CONVENIENTLY they have no record of me turning off the auto-renew feature.
I know that paying back my debt is not going to happen overnight. I know in my head. My mind has no trouble wrapping itself around this concept. But my heart feels burdened by it. It is something that weighs me down. I am tired of fighting this battle. I just want to sleep.

Okay, sorry all... If anyone has made it through my mental processing, do you know anyone who's hiring part-time? I'm considering picking up a second job to help out with the debt so that it will be gone before it's time for me to go to grad school. It would be a much more productive way to spend my time than sitting at home moping and eating while watching far too many home improvement shows. If anyone knows anybody, let me know... Please...

1 comment:

  1. jeni, i don't know of anyone hiring, but i definitely feel your pain. money issues have been huge for us. we actually went through a bankruptcy at one point in a situation similar to yours. keep truckin' and focus on your positive list.
