Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So long to the old post!

So the post I had been trying to type up and post before this kept posting in an incomplete form. It was very strange, and I cannot explain the reason that it was happening, except that God wanted me to stop being so negative. It was basically about how moody I am sometimes, and the harder I try to NOT be moody, the more moody I am because I find myself failing.
Anyway, since this post is no longer about that, we are officially moving on. I am now making this post about ten five positive things that are happening in my life. (Sorry, I need to start small...)

1. As of Friday, I will have another credit card paid off. It will be a nice chip off of the debt I incurred during my pre-Christian spending binges. Only 5 more to go!
2. I am receiving an $85 check back from another credit card because apparently I overpaid... (Because when I sent the last payment, they knocked off a BUNCH of late charges...)
3. Only 25 more days until I move into my new place. I paid my last rent for the apartment to my brother last week!
4. Blue Like Jazz is a much more entertaining book than God's Politics, while still having topics for us to discuss in our Bible/book study.
5. My friends are so loving and patient, even when I'm cranky/whiny/moody.

1 comment:

  1. i enjoy memoirs of world leaders and rock stars on occasion (long hard road out of hell by marilyn manson, anyone?) but i think there is something cool about memoirs of a "regular" person. at least as long as there not to regular (like not able to recognize my horrible misuse of homonyms earlier).
